Hello, my name is Tammy. I am a mother, wife, nurse, author and entrepreneur. I began my motherhood journey at the ripe age of 15years old. My son was born November 8, 1995 weighting 7lbs 12 oz. but he wasn’t breathing when he came out. Once they revived him he started having seizures. A few days later he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. The dr’s told us he would never be able to do anything independently. My son never walked nor talked and was developmentally delayed.
when he was 15 years old January 3, 2011 he passed away. A year after his passing I learned that my life’s purpose was to be the voice he never had. Now through Their voice of Greater Cincinnati I can be his voice and many others! I didn’t have the knowledge, resources or village when My son was living and know how important these things are to properly care for your loved one.
I am Tammy Floyd-Westmoreland
I am a mother. A wife. A sister. A daughter. A friend. But most importantly... I AM HIS VOICE!